Archive for March, 2008

Custom “Hours Logged” Messages in Freshbooks

March 30th, 2008 by erin

If you’re a regular reader of the BrightMix blog (Google Reader anyone?), you are probably well aware of the fact that we do things a little differently here. Since joining the company a little over a month ago, I’ve quickly learned to love the BrightMix way of doing business. It’s pretty safe to say that […]

Seven Months of Official Business

March 26th, 2008 by kevin

This was suppose to be a six month post, but it got delayed on account of our being too busy to blog. So, here we are at roughly seven months of business, continuing to rock and/or roll… Since our last post, at three’ish months of official business, a whole lot has happened. We Hired an […]

Why You Should Attend Omaha Nexus

March 17th, 2008 by dusty

I wanted to bring attention to an Omaha event that BrightMix is pleased to be a part of…. Omaha Nexus. From their website… Omaha Nexus is a non-profit philanthropic organization that hosts benefit events based on the accountable fundraising model. Our goal is to help others: Contribute personal resources (time and money) to charity Connect […]

Other Great Internship Programs

March 14th, 2008 by dusty

We make no bones about borrowing ideas from other successful companies, and our most recent idea – the internship program – is no exception. For those unfamiliar, I thought I’d take a minute to outline some of the people that we feel are offering some pretty innovative things when it comes to internships in tech […]

Possible Names for Our Company

March 13th, 2008 by dusty

When Kevin and I were originally talking about starting our own company, naturally one of the major first decisions is what to actually name it. Today I was rummaging through our Google Docs, and I stumbled upon a list of possible choices that we contemplated, before finally settling in on BrightMix. Note, however, that this […]

Internship – Deadline soon approaching!

March 10th, 2008 by dusty

We have had quite an enormous response to our first annual summer internship program. Soon, we will be calling people to schedule interviews and to make our final decisions. There are a few days left until the deadline (March 15th), so those of you who are procrastinators, you’ve only got one week left! Any questions? […]