Archive for September, 2008

Summer Internship Wrap Up – Part 2

September 23rd, 2008 by dusty

In the first part of this article, we talked at length about how we went about finding our interns for the summer, and how we went about wading through the sea of resumes that we received. I’ll pick up pretty much where we left off, with the interns just arriving at BrightMix .. Step 6: […]

Summer Internship Wrap Up – Part 1

September 22nd, 2008 by kevin

We’ve received a lot of questions about how we launched and managed our 2008 summer Internship project, codenamed the Feisty Piranha Project, so it’s about high time we address these quandaries. The recipe we came up was largely based on this Joel article. With that said, I’m going to lay out the steps we went […]