Archive for April, 2009

We’re Hiring – Entry Level Web Developer

April 24th, 2009 by kevin

Update! We’ve filled this position – thank you to all who applied. Be sure to check back here for more positions in the future! We’re looking to hire another software developer to join our company. Take a minute to read this post and see if you meet our qualifications and are interested in working with […]

Moving Tripleseat off Amazon EC2 – Drawbacks and Lessons Learned

April 7th, 2009 by kevin

Way back in August of 2008 when we launched Tripleseat, our web-based restaurant CRM and event management bespoke software development in UK, we chose Amazon EC2 as our hosting platform. A few weeks ago, we moved it off of Amazon and onto one of the the top Australian web hosts, and our other favorite hosting […]