Archive for October, 2007

Site Launch – Episcopal Church Websites

October 31st, 2007 by dusty

We’re pleased to announce that we recently launched our first major set of public facing sites since becoming an honest to goodness business… A series of sites for the Episcopal Church of America. Designed and spearheaded by our good friends at the Granger Group, this project encompassed a number a sites: A parish-level website – […]

BrightMix is Moving!

October 30th, 2007 by dusty

It’s amazingly hard to believe, considering we just had our 1 month aniversary, but it’s official: BrightMix is leasing a real, honest to goodness office space. No sir, no longer will we be running our day to day operations from the confines of Kevin’s living room. On Thursday, Nov 1st 2007, we officially move into […]

Please, No More Cubicles

October 15th, 2007 by kevin

Boo, cubicles! Simply put, we hate cubicles. Cubicles suck for jobs that require personal concentration (engineering, accounting, most computer-based jobs, etc.). As previous software programmers for both large and small companies, we’ve spent plenty of time in the proverbial dilbert‘esque office environment. They exist everywhere, and it gets old… really, really fast. Of course, the […]

One Month of Official Business

October 5th, 2007 by kevin

Praise Jebus! BrightMix has officially existed for one entire month.It was an exciting month, and it went by lightning quick. Accomplishments for Month #1 Here are some of our major accomplishments during our first month of operation. Set Up of Basic Office Services Service Our Solution Cost Email / Calendar Gmail tied to domain […]