Archive for November, 2007

BrightMix Founders – A Deeper Look

November 27th, 2007 by kevin

Though we’ve talked a bit about what we do, how we run our business, and a few of the projects we’ve launched, little has been said about the people behind the curtain here. You know, the dudes actually running the business, writing code, drinking Diet Mt. Dew, and burning the midnight oil. At the time […]

Ruby on Rails hosting – Slicehost

November 19th, 2007 by kevin

When we established BrightMix, a few months back, we got this blog/website up and running by throwing a Mephisto install onto Dusty’s already existing Dreamhost account. While working on our blog/website was kind of slow and sluggish, it worked, and It was bootstrapping at its finest… However, we’re to the point where we need to […]

The Move-In is Complete!

November 14th, 2007 by dusty

A little over a week ago we announced our plans to move into a new office. Well, after a very exciting and lively week of planning, cleaning, and moving stuff, we’re all done and settled into our new digs. Thurs – Saturday… Cleaning! All things considered, the place wasn’t actually in that bad of shape, […]