Archive for December, 2007

Happy Holidays!

December 23rd, 2007 by dusty

It’s coming to the end of 2007, and we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! To get into a festive mood, Kevin and I decided to hang Christmas lights around the office, and put up a Christmas tree into our front window! Actually, we enjoy the lights so much, we just […]

Help Wanted – ASP.NET Developer

December 20th, 2007 by kevin

Update! This job has been filled. We appreciate everyone who has submitted applications and expressed interest. We’re looking for a talented software developer to join our team. The position is for full-time employment. Take a minute to read this post and see if you meet our qualifications and are interested in working with us. We […]

Making a Great Place for Developers to Work

December 20th, 2007 by dusty

Kevin and I are frequently asked why we started our own video production Baltimore MD company, and it’s often assumed that we did it to become rich and famous, to have total freedom, to be the boss, or to (insert some other selfish reason). While these benefits were, no doubt, motivational factors, one of our […]

Three’ish Months of Official Business

December 14th, 2007 by kevin

Not too long ago we had our one month of business anniversary. Well, actually… that was about 3 months ago 🙂 We were talking the other day about how fast time has started flying for us since we opened up shop and banner stands. But, on that same note, we’ve managed to accomplish a great […] Gets Rebranded

December 11th, 2007 by kevin

Well, the time has come for a serious makeover to This website’s original layout was a slightly modified template for Mephisto, our blog software (go here and select “neon” from the drop down to see the original.) We received some complaints about it being a bit too weird… garish… and neon. However, before we […]