Archive for April, 2008

We’ve picked the Interns!

April 11th, 2008 by dusty

I’m happy to announce, that after what seemed like an ETERNITY of resume sorting, phone interviewing, in-person interviewing, and deliberating… we have selected the official interns for our 2008 Internship program. Thank you so much to all that applied… We were really overwhelmed by the response that we received. We had over 120 applicants from […]

Anonymous Software Job Postings

April 10th, 2008 by dusty

Take a look at the following list of jobs that were posted on the Omaha Careerlink website a while back… Here you have six developer positions, all posted by the same recruiter – Aureus Group. (Not to pick on Aureus… they’re fine people… Its just the best screenshot I could get) Many of these positions […]

April 25th – BrightMix Open House Party

April 4th, 2008 by kevin

We’ve made promise after promise to friends, family, and business associates about having a fabled BrightMix Open House Party. After all, we’ve been in business for about 8 months now… it’s about time we celebrate the founding of BrightMix! We’ve blocked of an entire Friday evening on which to hold the event. So, without further […]