Archive for June, 2008

Top 10 ways BrightMix is not like XYZ Corp

June 18th, 2008 by erin

Kevin and Dusty have written some interesting articles about running a small business. Now, it’s my turn to throw my 2 cents in about working for one…..Top 10 Style! Adios Outlook Calendar! I adore my freedom from the Outlook Calendar, and Outlook in general. That’s not to say that we don’t schedule anything at BrightMix, […]

Internship Outing – Bowling!

June 17th, 2008 by dusty

Way back in January when we first announced the BrightMix Internship Program, one of the core principles for the Internship was that we wanted to have fun! In fact, fun outings is even a line item as one of the perks of the job: Planned company outings (bowling, golfing, etc.) Well, sufficed to say, everyone […]