Archive for August, 2008 ‘Coming Soon’ site launch

August 14th, 2008 by dusty

Last week, Dusty mentioned, a new site I’ve been working on lately. It’ll be a live video feed of us here in Brightlymixedland – as well as other Vimeo gems & Flickr goodies. There’s no real business purpose or reasoning – other than novelty and just because we can. We’re doing it for the […]

Iconic images that represent BrightMix?

August 7th, 2008 by dusty

Today in our internal Campfire chat room, Andy posted a great question to get a little feedback regarding, a site we’re putting together to showcase videos and whatnot.. Most of these are complete inside jokes, so you’re not likely to get them, but I think they’re funny / creative anyway. What’s really amazing to […]