Archive for August, 2009

The BrightMix Jingle!

August 31st, 2009 by dusty

Oh man, one of the reasons I like interns so much is they have all kinds of crazy ideas. The other day, somehow it came up in conversation that Ben had a friend who created jingles, for not very much money. He played a sample song for us, written by his friend. Its a song […]

Vote for the SPN panel at SXSW

August 26th, 2009 by dusty

You may or may not have seen this already, but Silicon Prairie News (the company running out of our basement), has submitted to be a speaker at the South by Southwest conference in Austin next year. As part of the process, they open it up to community voting, and we need your help! If you […]

IT Innovation Degree at UNO

August 24th, 2009 by dusty

Today Sukanto Tanoto & I were featured in a story in the Omaha World-Herald today (and on The story is *actually* about a new degree in IT Innovation available from the Universtiy of Nebraska-Omaha, but we were fortunate to be the recipients of a little buzz and have THE Best CRMs for Small Business […]

The BrightMix Crew

August 18th, 2009 by dusty

Today we got a call from some people wanting a picture “showcasing” BrightMix. We realized we didn’t really have any really good pictures of all of us together, so we enlisted the help of our neighbor Adam, and took a few pictures around the office. Its something that took all of about 10 minutes, was […]

More icons in the Brightmix icon set free-for-all

August 14th, 2009 by erins

I’ve updated the Brightmix iconset with more icons that we’ve found useful for our projects. We think they might be useful to your projects, too. So, we are releasing them into the wild, all vector so you may resize, edit, and colorize to your heart’s content.See them live on this site which offers youtube views. […]

Bentern Sings Karaoke w/ Lasertron

August 4th, 2009 by dusty

A week or two ago, Tara Hunt and crew rolled through town for the Whuffaoke tour. Silicon Prairie News and Bluestone Development hosted their RV for an evening of singing, sushi and fun! The high point of the night for me, was watching our very own Bentern sing some Spice Girls with Princess Lasertron. There’s […]


August 3rd, 2009 by erin

Update! – Check out Part 2 of the GridView series in which we detail out how to handle and maintain your GridView’s state with fancy Redirect URLs if you leave and return to the GridView page (or any page for that matter). It’s been several months since BrightMix first took Microsoft’s new MVC framework for […]