Archive for February, 2008

BrightMix Welcomes Erin!

February 21st, 2008 by kevin

After about a month of posting jobs and interviewing candidates for our first developer position opening, we’re happy to welcome aboard Erin! Hooray! Erin brings to the table a lot of programming and leadership experience. Oh, and she’s nice and we like her! We spent the majority of the day in the ol’ conference room. […]

Internship – A few questions and answers…

February 9th, 2008 by dusty

It was just a few days ago that we first mentioned our summer internship program, and we’ve already received a LOT of applications! Keep them coming! A couple of questions have come up though, so I thought I would address them here… What’s the deadline for applying? The deadline for applying is March 15th, 2008. […]