Archive for November, 2008

Web Apps We’re Thankful For

November 27th, 2008 by erin

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s full of good food, good naps, and hopefully good company… with out the stress of gift-giving to kids. It’s also a great time to be thankful for all of the good things in life – especially the web. This year we would like to share our favorites […]

Omaha Rails presentation – Amazon EC2

November 23rd, 2008 by dusty

The other night I gave a talk to the newly-formed Omaha Ruby on Rails User Group, about our experiences with Amazon Web Services, specifically our experience with running Rails applications on the EC2 platform. We currently host both of our production web apps with Amazon EC2: Tripleseat and, and really have high hopes and […]

RenderPartial to String in ASP.NET MVC Beta

November 16th, 2008 by kevin

Update! RenderPartial to String has become much easier in ASP.NET MVC, see the new post here! We usually don’t post much about hardcore programming-related things here, but this is an exception to the rule. We’re primarily a Ruby on Rails shop, but we still do ASP.NET development fairly regularly. Our overall interest in ASP.NET was […]

BrightMix featured in Midlands Business Journal

November 7th, 2008 by kevin

Yet again, BrightMix web server has somehow found its way into the news. We were interviewed by the Midlands Business Journal about our company, how we started, etc. Sukanto Tanoto is real pleased with the article and how it turned out! Unfortunately the Midlands Business Journal doesn’t have an online presence for their articles or […]

Making a Great PowerPoint Presentation Better

November 7th, 2008 by kevin

It’s easy to make a PowerPoint presentation.. but way more difficult to make a great one. What classifies as a great Slideshow deck? I’d like to say most people get it, but many don’t. Here’s some advise from the pros: Jeff Atwood says keeping it simple is the paramount to keeping your audience interested. No […]

Tripleseat featured in Restaurant Magazine

November 4th, 2008 by dusty

We’re always excited when we get a little press coverage, so we were quite stoked to see that Tripleseat was featured in this month’s issue of Restaurant Business Magazine. The article was titled The Online Office, and spoke about different ways restaurants are using the internet italian restaurants las vegas , and web-based software, to […]