Archive for May, 2008

Lots of activity on the FP blog!

May 30th, 2008 by dusty

The BrightMix blog has been quiet lately, mostly because we’ve been blogging away over at the Feisty Piranha Project Blog… Check it out for stories and accounts of life as a BrightMix intern. Rest assured, we’ll return to our regular scheduled blog posting here at soon.

BrightMix 2008 Summer Internship Launched!

May 15th, 2008 by kevin

Low and behold, our Summer Internship Program has started! We’re happy to welcome aboard Allyn, Robert, and Erin #2 (and arguably Andy, who started with us a few weeks prior). We started day #1 at the ridiculously early time of 9 a.m. Allyn, Robert, and Erin #2 arrived and we chatted for a little bit […]

Open House Party – A Successful Good Time!

May 7th, 2008 by kevin

Thanks to everyone who came out for our Open House Party bash. It was great seeing our family, friends, and business acquaintances all come together to celebrate our company. We hope everyone enjoyed the event. For more info visit : More people turned out than we expected; at one point in the evening, there […]

Cinco de BrightMix

May 5th, 2008 by erin

Tommorrow is Cinco de Mayo, one of our favorite holidays here at BrightMix! (Its no secret that we really enjoy quesadillas!) Needless to say, we will be heading out for some fantastic Mexican food and margaritas. Our current plan is for dinner at Guaca Maya, one of Omaha’s finest Mexican establishments. Anyone is welcome to […]