Archive for October, 2008

Halloween Happy Hour

October 28th, 2008 by erin

It’s no secret that we at BrightMix love holidays. Unfortunately, we’ve been so busy with work lately that we’ve let the last few fall through the cracks (sorry about that Columbus). The good news is we’re turning over a new leaf, starting with Halloween! We’ll be hosting a “Halloween Happy Hour”, this Friday from 4:00 […]

Highlight Midwest 2008

October 27th, 2008 by dusty

As many of you know, a number of us from Omaha are involved with a conference in Kansas City this week—Highlight Midwest The goal of the conference is to “highlight” or showcase the interesting/exciting things that are going on in KC, Des Moines & Omaha regarding technology, entrepreneurship, innovation and social media. This will include […]

A New Face in the Mix

October 24th, 2008 by ben

Hi. I’m Ben, a junior from Creighton University currently studying information systems. I met Dusty and Kevin a few weeks ago once I found out they were doing development with Ruby on Rails. I hadn’t heard of any companies using Ruby on Rails out in Omaha so I decided to check out BrightMix and see […]

Tripleseat Marketing Site Rebranded

October 21st, 2008 by kevin

With much excitement, we just rolled out a re-designed version of our product Tripleseat’s marketing site… looking good! Reasons for a Redesign? We’ve only been selling Tripleseat for about two months and the initial version, which was created by Andy, did a great job of presenting our product. Tweaking our Marketing Message However, after a […]

Question: How to Get PR Coverage?

October 15th, 2008 by dusty

We received a LOT of positive feedback from our article in the paper yesterday, including a great set of questions from Heather Nelson, Program Manager for Entrepreneurship at Metro Community College here in Omaha. Question: Did you go through the traditional route and send in a PR announcement to get the coverage? (If so, can […]

BrightMix in the News

October 14th, 2008 by dusty

It has been a busy week in the “traditional” news media for us here at BrightMix. Last Tuesday, Dusty was on a panel for the Creighton Business Ethics Alliance . On the panel were three individuals who where discussing the difference between the generations (Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Millennials), and how communcation between the groups plays […]

We Love!

October 13th, 2008 by dusty

Thanks to folks like Gary Vaynerchuk, and 37signals, we here at BrightMix have a new found love for the live video streaming site What is it you ask? Basically, we’re able to stream video live over the internet, for the entire world to watch. Our first broadcast was last week, when Kevin and I […]

Product Launch –

October 11th, 2008 by kevin

Hot diggity! Our first honest to goodness product has launched: Tripleseat. What is Tripleseat? Tripleseat is a customer relationship and event planning software designed specifically for the restaurant private dining room business. With Tripleseat, restaurants no longer have to rely on manually tracking and planning events, but can simply log on to a website to […]